Privacy Policy

Personal Data

Zapzero Ltd complies with the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act 1998. We will only collect information about you that you have specifically and knowingly provided.

Examples of such information are your Name, Address, Telephone number and Email address.

The information collected will be used to:

  • deliver our products and services to you
  • process your payments
  • communicate with you about your orders
  • communicate with you about our products, for example via our newsletter which you can unsubscrbe from at any time

Your payment details and credit card numbers will only be shared with our payment providers, for example PayPal, ClearPay for the purpose of processing your orders.

No data will ever be passed on to any third party for their marketing purposes.

It is possible to view our site without providing any personal details. However, without sharing your details you will not be able to order online.

To review and edit your personal data, please access your account.

Use of Cookies

This site uses small files known as cookies to help provide our service to you:

  • to help our software work whilst you are on our site
  • to see how you and other people use our site and newsletter, so we can improve them

A cookie is a piece of information in the form of a very small text file that is placed by a website onto your hard drive. The information the cookie contains is very limited but can be used when you are on our site to follow and help your journey through our site. Like many other websites we use Google Analytics cookies for our site monitoring.

We may also add future functionality to improve your shopping experience and this may rely on the use of cookies. Cookies may also be used to bring you Google site adverts and offers.

You can manage these small files yourself and learn more about them through “Internet browser cookies – what they are and how to manage them.”. In particular, you can set your browser to stop cookies being used.

If you register for an account or sign back in to your account, you are explicitly agreeing to our use of cookies.

If you use our website without registering for or signing into your account, we take your continuing use of our website as implied permission for us to use cookies for purposes 1 and 2 above if you have set your browser to allow this.

You can revoke any consent you have give us to use of cookies but this may mean you cannot use our website or some of its features.

For more information please see Cookie Policy


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